Wednesday, August 14, 2013

12 months.... really???

Wednesday 14th August 2013

It is 12 months to the day that I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.    I remember the phone call "Hi Sharon, it's Dr Wong, can you and your husband come and see me now?".  As soon as I heard the request, I knew it was bad news.
I sat along side my husband in her office and couldn't quite believe that I was hearing correctly..... "me, cancer?"

As I reflect on the last 12 months, first and foremost, I am proud of myself.  Proud to have faced this head on and not let the negative take hold of my thoughts and heart.  Yes,  I've had down days over the last 12 months,  but being negative will only send me on a downward spiral, one that I wasn't prepared to embark on.

I'm blessed to have my Husband,  gorgeous children and Dad by my side.  I'm thankful for all the message of support, all the love sent, it has truly helped.

12 months on I still face: 4 1/2 years of Tamoxifen, tests and reconstruction.   I am back running, have cut down on my alcohol consumption, eating clean and appreciating the small things in life.  I feel amazing.

So on this day, I look cancer in the eye and say "fuck you!"

Today we turn this anniversary into a celebration of life, a celebration of our family love.  Yes, I'm looking to the silver lining:  12 months on I'm here, I got through surgery, Chemo, Radiation and I'm loving life.

"Breast Cancer, you might have taken my breast but you haven't taken my spirit"

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