Friday, November 9, 2012

TAC 1 days 11 - 19

Thursday 9th November

Over the last 9 days, I have been feeling great, have  more energy and am back to do some things I love (netball coaching) shopping :)

Woke up Sunday and thought I had better tend to my bikini line, no need after all,  as body hair dropping like flies when sprayed with Mortene.

In the last few days my hair has been falling out in clumps.  On Wednesday night I asked the kids to shave it.  Both felt overwhelmed,  so we decided to wait until Saturday.

I woke this  morning (Thursday) and it was evident that I and my hair couldn't wait until Saturday and the "big shave" would have to happen today.

At 6.45pm, my gorgeous family took to the clippers and each had a turn shaving my hair.  I sat with my back to the mirror and quietly tears flowed by my face.  A couple of times, Master 9, looked me in the eyes and smiled, he smiled whilst battling to keep his tears at bay.  This young boy has a strength that some adults couldn't muster and here we were looking into each other's soul and he was willing me to be ok.

My daughter and son, gently shaved my head, both with the fear of hurting me and being overwhelmed with what was happening.  Hubby finished the shave and was shaking.

All of this was happening with each of them capturing this journey with photo's.  Photo's for us to look back on, photo's for us to share.  Photo's to remind ourselves how united we are.

When it was time for the reveal, my kids told me I looked good.  Hubby was calling me GI Jane (Demi Moore movie)  as I turned and looked into the mirror, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  I sobbed and I laughed and I laughed some more.
I then showered and we took more photo's.

I feel at peace.   I'm taking the hair loss as a positive, a sign that the chemo is working and killing any nasty cancer cells that may invade my body again.

Life is a journey of hardships and amazing moments.  Make the most of every second you have on this earth, take nothing for granted and always be kind to others (you may never know when you need help!)

My glass was full last night :)

with love
Shaz xxx

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