Thursday, October 18, 2012

It's only hair... but is it?????

Thursday 18th October

I made the decision to have my haircut prior to starting Chemo on Monday, not an easy decision.

You see, I have been growing my hair for 3 years and was happy with the length.  Every time I had my 6 weekly hair appointment I always instructed my  hairdresser to trim the ends.  I don't want short hair, if I did I would have had it short months ago.

BC has made the choice for me.  I'm struggling with this... I don't want it having any more power of me than it does already.

I cried all day yesterday.  I cried driving to the hairdressers, cried looking at hairstyle books, big tears the kind that you can hear when they drop onto your shirt, I cried when my gorgeous friend and hairdresser cut my hair and I cried when I drove home and saw my family.

I keep getting told "it's only hair!".  I'm over this, it's not "only hair'  It's my hair and it wasn't my choice to have it cut.  Yes, I made the decision to cut it prior to chemo but that's because I don't want to see long lengths on my pillow.

I get you mean well, but stop and listen to what you say... how would you feel????  Yep, you don't know how you will feel UNLESS it happens to you.  I hope you or a friend or family member NEVER has to go through this.

Yes, I'm coping and I'm at peace with my diagnosis but I'm not happy about my cutting my hair.

Be kind to yourselves, it's my advice to you.

Shaz xxxxx

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