Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year...

31st December 2012,

2012 has been a year full of highs and extreme lows.

My family and I were fortunate to enjoy 2 fun filled holidays in Bali with friends who we consider family.

We saw Miss 13 achieve great results in Netball and school, have braces fitted and grow so tall, beautiful and developing into a gorgeous young sensible lady.

Master 9 managed to get through the year without too many days off school due to illness, progress at school at his "slow and steady always wins the race" pace, gain weight, shoot up in height and continue to thrive as an amazing son.

14th August saw our life turn upside down.  I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, had  2 surgeries before 10th September and 4 Chemo cycles before 31 December.

Life can change in a split second.

Life is a wondrous thing, full of beauty, yet full of absolute pure hell.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

My wish for you this 2013 is simple, grab life by the balls and go for it.  Don't let negative rule your days.  For every negative comes a positive.  I know some of you will say "bullshit" but look closely at yourself, you will find the positive, I promise you.
It's up to YOU to find it.
Let's not post negatives on FB, let's write them down and burn them, let's make 2013 a year blessed with positive things.

For me 2013.......

is going to be my year to shine brighter than I ever have.  A year that I will stop,  smell the roses and cherish every single minute of every day.
A year that will bless my family with all things good, a year that we will wake up daily and feel blessed to have each other in our lives.
A year that will see,  hubby and I get back into our fitness
A year that will see us, catching up with friends old and new.

Yes, I go into 2013 with 2 chemo's and radiation left.
It's all part of my life journey, a journey that you have all travelled with me.
For that I will be forever grateful.

Happy New Year

With love
Shaz xx

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