Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Gloomy Day

Wednesday 22nd August

Having a "oh why me" day!  I really dislike feeling like this and have been keeping myself busy with organising stuff.

I'm so frightened of the worse scenario happening.  I have so many plans...all of them involving me.
Yes, I've been on Dr Google today and that bastard has nothing nice to say!  I know, I know keep off!!!
The unknown scares me......

I have read and re-read all the messages that have been left on my FB wall and via PM.  I am so overwhelmed it's not funny.  I can't begin to express how you have all made me feel, just know, I feel blessed to have such a wonderful group of people supporting me.

Received my BCN pack today and what a great support tool it is.  Made me feel happier knowing  BCN is helping 1000's of women and men with BC.
Until you have be directly involved with a serious health issue in your family,  you have no idea how important support groups are.  It instantly takes the lonely feeling away, knowing someone, somewhere has travelled a similar journey and  saw the sky become clearer........eventually.

My CDH Australia Family are important to me.  Some of us have shared deep dark thoughts, many tears and laughs.  These people are my family and I love them all so much.

Since my diagnosis 3 friends have booked a mammogram,   I wish them nothing but good luck.

Best be off to get the kids from school, then an afternoon of homework and  netball.

My glass is half full if I squint.

lots of love
Shaz xxx


  1. Hey luv its ok to have why me days, yes you are very right... you have so many people out here that love and that will be supporting you on this roller coaster ride xxx

  2. As one of your CDH family we understand that support you are talking about (and the "why me" days) ... now it is our chance to offer you the same support you have and still do offer us. Since sharing your diagnosis on fb, you, Damon and kids have constantly been in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong Knott family! All our love xxxx

  3. Booking myself one as well . . .

    The 'why me' days are bounded to happen. The important thing would be to let them happen. You need those moments. They do keep you grounded and remind you of how strong you are. Don't keep feelings inside, they will drown you, let them flow in to your cup and once your full, dump, and start over again ;)

    I love you, friend <3

  4. You are an amazing and beautiful woman and whatever you are feeling, whenever you are feeling it, is perfectly ok. So many have leaned on you for so long, and now it's our turn to offer that shoulder in return.
    Always, always here for you and love you lots.
    PS - am popping round with the bubbles to fill that glass back up to half so you don't have to squint!!
